Language Documentation and Archiving Conference

Call For Papers

LD&A 2024

Recent advances in language documentation
and archiving

Conference and training sessions 
Berlin & Online, 4-6 September 2024

We’re inviting submissions for 20 minute conference presentation (15+5 format) and poster session. Please note that the poster session will be online-only. 

Authors may submit only one abstract as the first author, but they may be collaborators on more than one abstract submission. 

We especially invite submissions on the following themes in language documentation and archiving: 

Building Relationships:

Models for building relationships and refining approaches for collaboration with indigenous communities
Legacy collections: building relationships for discovery, preservation, and ethically-informed access
Critical perspectives on language archiving: post- or neo- colonial?
Identifying and responding to support needs and ethical considerations for improving the accessibility of language materials
Language documentation practice as a medium for indigenous agency and revitalization
Models for engaging and supporting indigenous communities in collaborative and community-driven documentation efforts
How to work with differing expectations among speech community members

Tools and Techniques:

Documentary tools and practices (e.g., remote methods, tools & methods for projects with specific foci, tools & workflows for managing collaborative projects, etc.)
Indigenous ways of teaching & learning for documentation and language support
Enhancing annotation practices: orthography, translation, ethnography, and ethics
Improving tools to support the creation of archivable collections (e.g., ongoing software projects)
Using social media and other technologies to support and promote minoritized languages

Planning and Design for the Decade:

Reports from indigenous-led documentation, training, and revitalization projects
Language archiving: current assessment and future prospects
Approaches and solutions for making digital archives more navigable and engaging to indigenous communities
Models for providing access where there is little or no internet access
Engaging the broader public through artistic and educational initiatives drawing on archived language materials
Revising OLAC metadata and other standards for accessible archiving

Impacts of Documentation and Archiving:

Reports on how archived materials are being used by indigenous communities
What insights into language have documentary methods provided?
From paper to digital, the qualitative differences of language records
Archives presentation/poster on what they have done over the past decade and what they plan on doing

Submissions for conference and poster presentations

Please submit anonymous abstracts of up to 300 words, excluding references. 

Submissions with participation from community members are strongly encouraged.

Abstract submission is open until 15 April 2024.

Please submit abstracts


For further information, please email the organizers at